Lotus Birth Benefits For Mother and Baby

November 17, 2022
A newborn baby smiling while asleep, wrapped up in a cream coloured blanket

Lotus birth is a birthing practice that involves leaving the umbilical cord uncut after birth until it naturally detaches from the baby’s belly button. It’s a practice that’s gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Lotus birth has many benefits that can positively impact both the mother and the baby.

One of the more encompassing lotus birth benefits is the sense of reverence it provides to the birthing process. By keeping the umbilical cord intact, mothers and families can witness and honour the miracle of birth in its entirety.

Lotus birth can be a transformative experience, allowing mothers to feel more connected to the birthing process and the natural world. It can also encourage families to approach parenting from a more holistic perspective, focusing on the interconnectedness of all things.

In this article, we will explore the lotus birth benefits for mother and baby, and why it’s becoming a popular choice for many expecting parents.

Lotus Birth Benefits For Baby

Below are some of the many Lotus Birth Benefits a baby can experience during a lotus birth.

#1: Ensures full placental transfusion

Blood from the placenta is the baby’s blood – and a lot of it! In fact, a placenta contains around one-third of the baby’s volume of blood.

During a lotus birth, a baby will receive the optimum, not standard, amount of blood. A baby will also receive the full benefits of cord blood, which contains important cells and nutrients like iron, and unique stem cells which migrate to bone marrow transforming into various types of blood-making cells.

By leaving the umbilical cord intact, these nutrients and stem cells can continue to flow into the baby’s body, providing important support for their immune system and overall health.

#2: Reduces stress on the baby

During the birth process, the baby is subjected to a significant amount of stress. Cutting the umbilical cord immediately after birth can add to this stress by causing a sudden separation from the placenta, which provides vital oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Leaving the umbilical cord intact can reduce the stress on the baby by allowing them to transition to life outside the womb slowly. This transition can be especially beneficial for premature babies, who may need additional time to adapt to their new environment.

#2: Full support for the establishment of the circulatory system, lungs, gut, skin, liver and kidneys

Attaching to the wall of its mother’s uterus and growing its placenta is essential for the baby to be able to continue growing. This attachment is vital and we have evolved as mammals via this two-way process. The mother’s uterus accepts the implantation and the baby commits to the pregnancy. A cooperative contract is made.

When the baby is growing in utero its placenta supports the function of its vital organs. The placenta communicates with the mother’s system via the maternal blood pool to ensure that she provides what her baby needs. 

The placenta is a ‘timed organ’. That means after a time it is no longer needed. That time has three parts:

  1. When the baby is growing inside its mother the placenta is one of its vital organs.
  2. When the baby has received its full placental transfusion and the umbilical cord is flat and white This is usually completed 20 minutes after the baby is born.
  3. When the cord comes away at the navel. This is a few days after birth.

#4: Experiences the integrity of the body and imprints confidence

A baby is designed to be able to get itself out of its mother when it is ready to be born. This is determined when its lungs are ready for air breathing. The baby’s body knows that it is time to move on and it releases hormones that initiate the birth process and its mother’s uterus begins to open at the cervix.  

Mother and baby are a dyad. They are two in one system. The integrity of this system ensures a safe and satisfying birth experience for them both. This instils a deep confidence in them as they continue to move through their lives. Lotus birth supports this process.

#5: Gentle transference to lung-centred breathing

     The importance of the first breath cannot be overemphasised. It establishes the blueprint of how we breathe for the rest of our lives. When fear and panic are present because of birth trauma that becomes our imprint and influences our future response to life. If a baby is drugged then that becomes part of the body memory that will reside in every breath thereafter.

It is important that mothers are well supported during labour. Giving birth is a peak physical event that requires good preparation and support. With a lotus birth, the baby has the support of its placenta and the oxygen-rich placental transfusion that enables the first breath to be taken with ease. Without its full blood volume, the baby’s body is very compromised which creates anxiety for the first and subsequent breaths.

#6: Keeps baby beside the mother

With the cord intact, the baby is kept close to the mother after the birth – no separation occurs. After birth mammals keep their babies close and usually away from others until they are both well settled. This is a time of imprinting. The baby absorbs the mother’s sounds and smells and needs her touch as it gets used to being outside her body. This is nature’s design to ensure the baby’s instinctual nature is supported in establishing behaviours that will ensure its optimum survival. It will seek her nipples and begin suckling.

By touching, murmuring and smelling her baby the mother’s brain activates the neural pathways that will enable her to respond to her baby’s needs. The hormone of connection, oxytocin, will flood her and the baby’s systems and her breasts will become engorged with magical breast milk. How wise and precise Mother Nature is! Lotus birth ensures that this time of imprinting is as undisturbed as possible.

#7: Less handling by others

As the placenta and cord are still attached to the baby, this prioritises the undisturbed bond between the newborn and its mother, safeguarding the baby from excessive handling by well-meaning family members and healthcare providers. This offers the newborn a unique space to adapt gradually to the outside world, free from unnecessary disturbances. 

#8: No site for infection

Having its cord uncut keeps the baby free of a possible infection site at the navel. The cord comes away from the navel fully healed in a few days. A cut cord is a possible site for infection, the care of which usually continues for two weeks, which can create considerable anxiety for parents and caregivers. 

#9: Post-birth integration time

This after-birth time waiting for the cord to come away from the navel is very special and deeply nourishing. The mother and baby are required to be still and this is exactly what is best for them. Breastfeeding becomes more easily established as they wait for the cord to dry out and come away at the navel.

#10: Optimum situation for brain development

Every factor of lotus birth supports the integrity of the mother and child’s biological systems. The alertness and calmness of babies is a constantly reported feature of lotus birth.

#11: Free of synthetic oxytocin

During a lotus birth, no synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin or Syntocinon) is used to expel the placenta before it is ready. This means the placenta is free from synthetic oxytocin, which does not work like natural oxytocin.

#12: Leaves major chakra undisturbed

Understanding the importance of the energetic systems that consist of the chakras is an essential aspect of lotus birth. This knowledge comes from Eastern medical systems that have been practised for 5,000 years and are well documented. Leaving the navel chakra undisturbed is of great benefit to the baby.

#13: Energetic transference = complete aura = enhanced immune system

The aura is an energy field that surrounds every living thing. When the umbilical cord comes away from the navel the baby’s aura is complete. Every baby is unique so the number of days that this ‘breaking forth time’ lasts varies between 2 – 9 days. The most common number of days is 3 – 4.

#14: Offloading process

During the days after birth and the baby has its complete placental transfusion, the umbilical cord quickly becomes dry and brittle. During the ‘breaking forth time’ the transference of subtle energies continues between the baby and its placenta. Babies seem aware of their placentas and watch as it is cared for each day. Sometimes they are most particular about who does this. Their father is often favoured.

#15: Encourages natural detachment

When the umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth, the baby experiences a sudden separation from the placenta. This can be a traumatic experience for the baby, who is used to receiving nutrients and oxygen from the placenta.

Allowing the umbilical cord to naturally detach from the baby’s belly button can provide a more gentle transition, allowing the baby to slowly adjust to life without the placenta.

Lotus Birth Benefits For Mother

Below are some of the many benefits a mother can experience during a lotus birth.

#1: Maintains hormonal balance = full hormonal cocktail bliss/ecstasy

Giving birth naturally, as nature intended it, ensures the mother experiences the full hormonal cocktail available during labour and birth. In fact, there’s no other time in life when humans experience such a natural oxytocin high. All this is available to birthing women who choose natural birth. Who doesn’t want a high of that delicious love and bonding hormone?!

#2: No synthetic oxytocin

Synthetic oxytocin does not cross the blood-brain barrier, so it doesn’t have the same effect on hormones and bonding as natural oxytocin does. Synthetic oxytocin also has risks and side effects. During a lotus birth, when the mother and baby are healthy and well, no synthetic oxytocin is used.

#3: Respect the integrity of her body

Lotus birth extends its benefits to the mother by respecting the natural rhythm and design of her body. It allows her to embrace the entirety of the birth process, trusting in her body’s innate wisdom to orchestrate a harmonious transition for both her and her baby. This reverence for her body fosters a sense of empowerment and a deep connection with the natural flow of life.

#4: Reduced risk of retained placenta

When the placenta is allowed to separate naturally, without the hastiness of intervention, the chances of retained placenta—a condition that can lead to complications—are significantly diminished. This ensures a smoother postpartum experience for the mother, characterised by a more seamless recovery.

#5: Reduced risk of PPH (Post Partum Haemorrhage)

By allowing the placenta to detach at its own pace, the mother’s body can efficiently adjust and manage the transition, minimising the likelihood of excessive bleeding. This reduction in PPH risk offers peace of mind and supports a more tranquil post-birth journey.

#6: Enhances post-birth integration – skin-to-skin contact =

activates hormones/bonding

Lotus birth encourages immediate and continued skin-to-skin contact between the mother and her baby. This contact activates a cascade of hormones that foster deep bonding and connection. The intimacy shared during these precious moments enhances post-birth integration, facilitating a seamless transition for both mother and baby into the world outside the womb.

#7: Optimum support for breastfeeding

Lotus birth allows for uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact, facilitating the baby’s instinctual rooting and breastfeeding behaviours. This natural and unimpeded approach to breastfeeding encourages a harmonious breastfeeding journey for the mother, ensuring her baby receives the nourishment and comfort needed for healthy growth.

#8: Fosters confidence and trust in herself

Lotus birth nurtures a mother’s confidence in herself, affirming her innate ability to nurture and protect her baby. The practice aligns with her intuitive wisdom, allowing her to trust her decisions and embrace the unique journey of childbirth. This newfound confidence resonates not only through the birthing process but also permeates her approach to motherhood, creating a foundation of self-assurance and resilience.

#9: Fosters confidence and trust in baby

Lotus birth acknowledges the baby’s innate wisdom and ability to navigate the transition from the womb to the external world. By honouring the baby’s pace and needs, lotus birth fosters a profound sense of trust in the baby’s capabilities, laying the groundwork for a secure and confident start to life. This mutual trust between mother and baby forms the bedrock of a harmonious and loving bond that endures throughout their shared journey.

#10: Limits the number of people in the post-birth time

Lotus birth promotes a strong emotional bond between mother and baby. With the umbilical cord still attached, the baby is physically connected to the mother, and the mother can feel the baby’s movements and presence more intimately.

This bonding can help the mother establish a strong emotional connection with her baby, which can have long-term benefits for the child’s emotional development. It can also help the mother feel more confident in her parenting abilities and improve her postpartum recovery.

While lotus birth may not be the right choice for every mother and baby, it is a practice that’s gaining popularity among those who value natural, holistic approaches to childbirth. By promoting bonding between mother and baby, reducing stress on the baby, providing health benefits, and encouraging natural detachment, lotus birth can be a beautiful and transformative experience for both mother and baby.