The Disadvantages Of Current Birth Practices

With the increased influence of medical technology, women having even the most straightforward pregnancies were subject to medical management, and the rates of assisted and surgical birth rates have soared.
While medical intervention has its place in extreme situations, current birth practices treat all pregnancies and births like potential disasters and there are many overlooked disadvantages linked to the routine use of interventions.
Impaired transition to breathing
One of the notable disadvantages of current birth practices is the hurried transition from receiving oxygen through the umbilical cord to breathing air independently. This rushed shift can lead to trauma, potentially affecting the infant’s respiratory system and overall well-being. The process of establishing air-breathing is a delicate one, that demands patience, time and space.
Deprivation of natural breathing establishment
Routine suction of the airways, aimed at clearing mucus, can strip away the protective lining necessary for effective air reception. This can potentially create a susceptibility to asthma and allergies in the future but also deprives the newborn of the invaluable experience of establishing its own breathing rhythm, potentially diminishing its sense of self-confidence and autonomy.
An air-conditioned debut
Babies born into an air-conditioned environment can potentially disrupt their initial sensory experiences, as they are deprived of the immediate connection to the natural, organic reality of planet Earth they are born into.
Disorientation in the early moments
Current birth practices often entail a sudden separation from the comforting environment of the womb to a bustling and unfamiliar world. This abrupt transition can lead to disorientation and potentially impact the newborn’s emotional and psychological well-being during their first moments of life.
Deprivation of vital nutrients
The umbilical cord serves as a lifeline, carrying a significant portion (30-50%) of the baby’s total blood supply enriched with iron and oxygen. Severing this connection prematurely deprives the newborn of essential nourishment and can potentially impact their overall health and development.
Compromised waste disposal
The current practice of immediately clamping the umbilical cord disrupts the natural waste disposal mechanism between the placenta and the newborn. This disruption can compromise the newborn’s immature waste elimination systems, such as the liver and kidneys, potentially leading to health complications down the line.
Postpartum haemorrhage and cord clamping
Premature clamping of the umbilical cord, before it has fully emptied itself of blood, can lead to postpartum haemorrhage. This process triggers an implosion on the maternal side and an effective rupture of the uterine wall, exposing both mother and baby to unnecessary risks.
The implications of cord blood banking
The emerging recognition of cord blood’s healing properties has spurred the creation of cord blood banks for medical treatment. However, the routine deprivation of this vital blood from newborns prompts the question of potential implications. Could this deprivation contribute to childhood diseases, including leukaemia and cancer, raising concerns about the long-term health consequences of current practices?
The psychological impact of current birth practices
Accounts from individuals in therapy offer a perspective on the psychological impact of early experiences. A patient’s description of panic-induced bodily responses highlights the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being, sparking curiosity about the role birth practices might play in shaping these early connections.
As we peel back the layers of contemporary birth practices, it becomes evident that a closer examination is warranted. The disadvantages hidden within these practices raise concerns about both immediate well-being and long-term health outcomes.
The urgent need for comprehensive research and consideration underscores the importance of embracing a holistic approach to childbirth that safeguards both the physical and emotional well-being of newborns.